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Sampling Trip to Bukit Kana National Park, Tatau 2020

A trip to Bukit Kana NP was held from the 10th of January till the 17th of January 2020 by our FAAK lab members, and our 2019/2020 cohort undergraduate students. The trip was accompanied by AP Dr. Faisal as well as staff members from UNIMAS, Sarawak Forestry Department (SFD) and Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC) that has aided us very well for the entire week. The aim of the trip was to collect specimens that were needed for the research projects of both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Bukit Kana has just been gazetted as a National Park on the 15th January 2015. We were honoured and amazed to have been able to witnessed the diversity of species from the area that comprised of a primary forest. Like its name, bukit which means mountain, was certainly a steep ride but nonetheless we were able to get through the obstacle in order to reach the research centre. The ecosystems presented fitted well with the high elevation that included the waterfall riverine and high montane forests. The trails presented at Bukit Kana were both easy and hard at times. Some required us to trudge through the river while some tested us of our climbing stamina.

Based on our collection, we have found various species of both chiropterans and rodents such as C. brachyotis, B. maculata, P. lucasi, H. diadema, R. borneensis, M. whiteheadi and many more. At times, we were able to observe some of the birds, large mammals and insects found in the national park. The experience that has been gained was very beneficial for our undergraduates as they have learnt the right methods on capturing and handling the chiropterans and small mammals. They have also gained specific skills that reflects them with their research projects and in hopes will be beneficial for their future endeavours. All and all, the trip was an excellent success and a wonderful experience for all team members. As a conclusion, it is in hope that through our research Bukit Kana will remain protected and conserved for its diverse faunas and be acknowledge for its astounding scenery.

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faisal khan's lab,frst,UNIMAS

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