Mr Muhd Amsyari Morni
MSc, Assessing Diversity of Crocidura monticola Sensu Lato Through Genetic and Morphology
Status: Completed, Graduated 2019
Mr Julius anak William Dee
MSc, Phylogeny of Bornean Shrew (Family Soricidae: Crocidura foetida) inferred from Cytochrome b Gene and Species Distribution Modelling of Three Shrews from Malaysia Using Maximum Entropy Approach
Status: Completed, Graduated 2019
Mr Qhairil Shyamri Rosli
MSc, Phylogenetic and Systematics of Malaysian Shrews based on Genetic and Morphology
Status: Completed,Graduated 2019
Mdm Ellen Mc Arthur
MSc, Habitat Use and Activity Patterns of Insectivorous Bats in the Lowland Forests of Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak and the Surrounding Disturbed Forests
Status: Completed, Graduated 2019
Ms Praveena Rajasegaran
MSc, Ecological and Population Genetic of a Single Species from the Family Hipposideridae
Status: Completed, Graduated 2019
Mr Yuvarajan Manivannan
MSc, Genetic Diversity and Nesting Behavior of Pongo pygmaeus in Sarawak
Status: Completed, Graduated 2019
Mdm Sultana Parvin Habeebur Rahman
MSc, Testing Allopatry and Ecology Speciation Hypothesis in the Roundleaf Bats of Malaysian Borneo (Family Hipposideridae) using Genetic, Morphometric and Echolocation Datasets
Status: Completed, Graduated 2018
Ms NurSyafiqah Shazali
MSc, Bats' Roost Selection and Population Count using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) System in Wind Cave Nature Reserve
Status: Completed, Graduated 2017
Mdm Licia Ho
MSc, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution of Malaysian Primates with an Emphasis on the Phylogeography of Malaysian Bornean Proboscis Monkey (Nasalis larvatus)
Status: Completed, Graduated 2015
Mr Mohd Isham Mohd Azhar
MSc, Species Diversity and Host Specificity of Bat Flies (Diptera:Streblidae and Nycteribiidae) in Malaysia
Status: Completed, Graduated 2015
Mr Mohamad Bin Kombi @ Kohdi
MSc, Social Structure and Behavioral Pattern of the Nasalis larvatus
Status: Completed, Graduated 2016
Dr Jeffrine Rovie Ryan Japning
PhD, Comparative Phylogeography and Population Genetics of the Genus Macaca in Malaysia with an Emphasis on the Long-Tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis)
Status: Completed, Graduated 2016