Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah
PhD (Zoology), The University of Queensland, Brisbane // MSc (Wildlife), West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA // BSc (Wildlife), West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA // Diploma Institut Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Selangor.
Had been elected and inducted as Fellow in the Academy of Science Malaysia on the 8 June 2013. Research discipline - Zoology (mammalogy), Molecular ecology of mammals, Biodiversity and protected area management.
Professor and Director of Centre for Kenyir Ecosystems, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu.
The interested research areas are on Zoology, Biogeography, Molecular Biology, Biogeography of fruit bats, Evolutionary Biology, Ecology, Phylogenetics, Wildlife Conservation, Phylogeography, Ecotourism, Tourism in National Parks and Protected Areas, Biodiversity Conservation, Tropical Ecology and Indigenous Peoples
Contact Detail:
Email: mohd.tajuddin@umt.edu.my
Address: Pengarah Pusat Ekosistem Tasik Kenyir, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Terengganu
Contact number: +60 13 8188397

Mohd Ridwan Abd Rahman
MSc. (Molecular Ecology and Evolution), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak // BSc. (Hons) Animal Resource Science and Management, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
I have completed my Master degree in Molecular Ecology and Evolution from the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (2010) and currently working as a Biology Lecturer at the Centre for Pre-University Studies (CPUS), UNIMAS.
My current research area is focusing on the biogeography, morphometric and population genetics study of small mammals, especially of bats and endangered Western Tarsier.
These studies aim to identify the evolution rate of species diversification which will clarify the basis for high diversity of small mammals in Malaysia in comparison to the other regions.
Contact Detail:
Email: armridwan@preuni.com.my
Address: Centre for Pre-University Studies, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak
Phone: +60 82 582494
+60 13 5690566

Roberta Chaya Tawie Tingga
MSc. (Molecular Ecology and Evolution), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak // BSc. (Hons) Animal Resource Science and Management, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
I obtained my Master degree in Molecular Ecology and Evolution from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak in 2010. Currently, I am working at the Centre for Pre-University Studies (CPUS) as a Biology lecturer.
My main area of research interest is working on genetics, morphology and also ecology of small mammals, especially on bats. My current research study is on the cave-dwelling bats and their roosting selection. This study intends to relate the cave use by these bats with the influence of microclimate on their roosting selection.
Contact Detail:
Email: trctawie@preuni.com.my
Address: Centre for Pre-University Studies, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 94300 kota Samarahan, Sarawak
Phone: +06 82 582244 (Office)
+06 19 8941084(Mobile)

Mohd Zacaery Khalik
MSc. (Forensic Science), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia // BSc. (Hons) Resource Chemistry, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
My passion was always on mammals and especially in the study of bats in Borneo. I would like to focus on conservation of bats species by looking into their ecology. Cave bats has always been my interest as cave harbour lots of bats and with rising anthropogenic activities in cave, conservation of cave bats species is a must. I’m also interested in bats photography in Borneo.I had experience in project involving taxa such as chiropteran, primates and rodents.
Currently, I’m working on my Master’s research on the “Phylogenetics and Systematics of Malaysian Shrews based on Genetics and Morphology”. Not much study had been done on these taxa thus I would like to study the phylogeny of shrew species present in Malaysia. I anticipate to identify any significant species or species of importance for conservation and know the pattern of lineage of the taxa. I’m going to use genetic marker (Cyt b andRag1) and morphology (cranial and dental measurement) for purpose of differentiation between species and what key features could be used for identification of species.

Millawati Binti Gani
BSc (Hons) Animal Resource Science and Management, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
My interest is in molecular evolutionary biology which currently, I am focused on the population genetic of long tailed macaques and phylogenetic relationship of Malaysian primates inferred using mitochondrial DNA genes.
My study aimed to investigate the phylogenetic relationship and also to determine the genetic diversity and species boundary of Malaysian primates.
This study is important in order to monitor and assess the Malaysian primate population viability especially for the highlighted endangered species such as the Proboscis Monkey, gibbons, Bornean Banded Langur and Orang Utan. Most of primate species in Malaysia are threatened and their populations are declining in Sarawak due to habitat loss, hunting and other anthropogenic disturbances. In Malaysia, study on DNA ecology and genetic structure on primates is still lacking, moreover, there are major gaps in the knowledge of Malaysian primates.
Therefore, my research study will reflect their fitness, for example their survival in the environment that cannot be obtained through census or ecological study. Thus, this project has pragmatic and long-lasting impact for better conservation management of the Malaysian primates. The information from this genetic study are significant for sustainable genetic management and long-term conservation of the remaining populations of primates in Malaysia.
Contact Detail:
Email: gmillawati@hotmail.com
Address: Department of Zoology, Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 94300, Kota Samarahan, Sarawak