I am always interested to hear from prospective graduate students, but here is what I expect:
If you are interested in joining my lab I expect you to be familiar with my research, and be able to tell me why it interests you.
Nearly all my students will spend substantial amounts of time conducting rigorous fieldwork in SE Asia (Particularly in Borneo). Therefore you need to be adaptable to different cultures and climates, and physically able.
I expect a measure of independence and initiative. My role is to guide you through your scientific development, not tell you what to do.
An interest in bats/selected mammals is obviously essential although experience is not necessary (but is desirable).
Application procedures:
Email me a Curriculum Vitae (résumé) and be sure to include:
statement of your research interests
statement of your career plans/goals
academic and professional accomplishments (degrees, GPA, awards, fellowships, publications, grants, presentations at professional meetings, jobs)
summary of your past research experiences
names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of 3 references
2. I will then contact you for discussion – it is very important that there is a good match between student and advisor,
3. If it seems like the lab would be a good fit for you and vice versa, you will then need to apply to the graduate programs in Center for Graduate Studies at UNIMAS:
4. International students. I am very happy to work with international students currently conducting bat research in their home countries, particularly if they have already completed a masters-level degree. I would suggest exploring possible funding opportunities from your home country e.g. government scholarships)
Application deadlines are typically in February and September