I.G. Wasti, F.S. Fui, T.Q. Zhi, C.W. Mun, M.H.S. Kassim, M.M. Dawood, N.H. Hassan, V.K. Subbiah, F.A.A. Khan, & J.S.S. Seelan. Fungi from dead arthropods and bats of Gomantong Cave, Northern Borneo, Sabah (Malaysia. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies. Accepted (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index)
S. Roth, , O.Balvín, M.T.Siva-Jothy, ). Di Iorio, P. Benda, O. Calva, E.I., Faundez, F.A.A. Khan, M. McFadzen, M.P. Lehnert, & R. Naylor. 2019. Bedbugs evolved before their bat hosts and did not co-speciate with ancient humans. Current Biology, 29(11), pp.1847-1853. (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index). Impact factor: 9.251
R.K. Runting, B.W. Griscom, M.J. Struebig, M. Satar, E. Meijaard, Z. Burivalova, S.M. Cheyne, N.J. Deere, E.T. Game, F.E. Putz, J.A. Wells, A. Wilting, M. Ancrenaz, P. Ellis, F.A.A. Khan, S.M. Leavitt, A.J. Marshall, H.P. Possingham, J.E.M. Watson & O. Venter. 2019. Larger gains from improved management over sparing–sharing for tropical forests. Nature Sustainability, 2(1), 53-61
N. Mazlan, M.R. Abd-Rahman, R.C.T. Tingga, M.T. Abdullah & F.A.A. Khan. 2019. Population Genetics Analyses of the Endangered Proboscis Monkey from Malaysian Borneo. Folia Primatologica, 90(3), 139-152. (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index). Impact factor: 1.037 DOI:10.1159/000496022 (CA)
F.A.A. Khan, N. Shazali, N. Latip & I. Azhar. 2019. Short Communication. Into the Heart of Borneo: Mammals of Upper Baleh, Sarawak. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 14(2), 173-182. (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index) (CA)
Y. Manivannan, A.R. Mohd-Ridwan, R.C.T. Tingga & F.A.A. Khan. 2019. Population Genetic Structure of the Cave Roosting Dusky Fruit Bat (Penthetor lucasi) from Sarawak, Malaysia. Malaysian Applied Biology Journal, 48(3), 167-179. (SciVerseSCOPUS-index) (CA)
J. William-Dee, Q.S. Rosli, M.A. Morni, I. Azhar, N. I. Abdullah, L. Lee-Sim, R. C. T. Tingga, A.R. Mohd-Ridwan, & F.A.A. Khan. 2019. Comparative Distribution of Small Mammals Diversity in Protected and Non Protected Area of Malaysia. Tropical Life Science Research 30(2). 131-147 (SciVerseSCOPUS-index) doi.org/10.21315/tlsr2019.30.2.10 (CA)
B. Zana, G. Kemenesi,D. Buzás, G. Csorba, T. Görföl, F.A.A. Khan, N.F.D.A. Tahir, S. Zeghbib, M. Madai, H. Papp, F. Földes, P. Urbán, R. Herczeg, G.E. Tóth and F. Jakab. 2019. Brief Report: Molecular Identification of a Novel Hantavirus in Malaysian Bronze Tube-Nosed Bats (Murina aenea). Viruses 11 (887):1-8 (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index). doi:10.3390/v11100887.
H. Bernard, N. Joseph, E.L. Baking, T.S. Ean, Y. Tachiki, F. Oram, J.S.S. Seelan, & F.A.A. Khan. 2019. Animal use of rehabilitated formerly fire damaged peat-swamp forest in western Sabah, Malaysia. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 67.660-670 (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index).
Q.S. Rosli, F.A.A. Khan, M.A. Morni, J. William-Dee, R.C.T. Tingga & A.R. Mohd-Ridwan. 2018. Roosting Behaviour and Site Mapping Of Cave Dwelling Bats In Wind Cave Nature Reserve, Bau, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Malaysian Applied Biology. 47(1): 231–238. (SciVerseSCOPUS-index) (CA)
M.A. Morni, F.A.A. Khan, Q.S. Rosli, J. William-Dee, R.C.T. Tingga & A.R. Mohd-Ridwan. 2018. Bats Roost Site Preferences in Wind Cave Nature Reserve, Bau, Sarawak. Malaysian Applied Biology 47(1): 57–64. (SciVerseSCOPUS-index) (CA)
E.C. Teeling, S.C. Vernes, L.M. Dávalos, D.A. Ray, M.T.P. Gilbert, E. Myers, Bat1K Consortium. 2018. Bat Biology, Genomes, and the Bat1K Project: To Generate Chromosome-Level Genomes for All Living Bat Species. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences 6:1, 23-46. (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index).
A.R. Mohd-Ridwan, N.F.D.A Tahir, M.H. Eshak, G. Csorba, T. Görföl, F.A.A. Khan & Mohd-Azlan, J. 2018. Bats Assemblage and Lunar Phase Effect on Bat Activity at Mixed Dipterocarp Forest, Gunung Gading National Park, Sarawak, Borneo. Sains Malaysiana. 47(7)(2018): 1349–1357. http://dx.doi.org/10.17576/jsm-2018-4707-01 (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index).
S.W. Murray, F.A.A. Khan, T. Kingston, A. Zubaid, & P. Campbell. 2018. A new species in the Hipposideros bicolor group (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) from Peninsular Malaysia. Acta Chiropterologica 20:1, 1-29 (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index).
P. Rajasegaran, N. Shazali & F.A.A. Khan. 2018. Microclimate and Physiological Effects in the Roosts of Cave Dwelling Bats: Implications in the roost selection and the conservation in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Zoological Science 35(6):521-527
R.J. Baker, B. Dickins, J. Wickliffe, F.A.A. Khan, S. Gaschak, K.D. Makova, & Phillips, C.D. Elevated mitochondrial genome variation after 50 generations of radiation exposure in a wild rodent. Evolutionary Applications 00:1-8. DOI: 10.1111/eva.12475. (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index).
N.M. Nurmukminah, F.A.A. Khan., & A.R. Mohd-Ridwan.. 2017. Western Tarsier Cephalopachus bancanus at Matang Wildlife Centre, Sarawak. South East Asia Vetebrate Record: 041-043.
N.E.S. Hamdan, Y.L. Ng, W.B. Lee, C.S. Tan, F.A.A. Khan & Y.L. Chong. 2017. Short Communication: Rodents Species Distribution and Hantavirus Seroprevalence in Residential and Forested areas of Sarawak, Malaysia. Tropical Life Sciences Research, 28(1), 151–159. (SciVerseSCOPUS-index).
A.R. Zahirunnisa, A.B. Suhaili, C.Y. Kqueen, F.A.A. Khan, A.H.A. Rasit, & M.T. Abdullah. 2017. A Preliminary Study on the Distribution of Beta Defensin Copy Number Variable Gene in Different Ethnics of Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management. 12(1), 102–113 (SciVerseSCOPUS-index).
J.J. Rovie-Ryan, Millawati Gani, Z.Z. Zainuddin, A.H. Ahmad, A.M. Julaihi, F.A.A. Khan, S.B. Saaban & J. Payne. 2017. Molecular Phylogeny of the Old World Porcupines (Family Hystricidae) Using Mitochondrial Cytochrome-b Gene. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management. 12(1), 1–11 (SciVerseSCOPUS-index).
N. Shazali, T.H. Chew, M.S. Shamsir, R.C.T. Tingga, A.R. Mohd-Ridwan, & F.A.A. Khan. 2017. Accessing Bat Roosts using LiDAR System at Wind Cave Nature Reserve in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Acta Chiropterologica. 19(1): 199-210. (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index). (CA)
F.A.A. Khan, N.F.D. Ahmad-Tahir, S.P.H. Rahman, J. William-Dee, M.A. Morni, Q.S. Rosli, R.C.T. Tingga, A.R. Mohd-Ridwan., & M.I. Azhar. 2017. Small Mammals from Samunsam Wildlife Sanctuary, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Borneo Journal of Resource Science and Technology, 7(2), 98-106 (CA).
J.J. Rovie-Ryan, M.T. Abdullah, & F.A.A. Khan. 2017. Microsatellite DNA polymorphism of Macaca fascicularis populations in Malaysia. Malayan Nature Journal. 69(4), 287-300. (SciVerseSCOPUS-index).
N. Shazali, S.P.H. Rahman, N.F.D.A. Tahir, R. Murni, N.A. Latip, N.M. Naharuddin, I. Azhar, E. McArthur, M.Z. Khalik, Mohd-Ridwan A.R., F.A.A. Khan, R.C.T. Tingga. 2016. Small mammals from Miri, northeastern region of Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo: note on new locality records. Check List-the journal of biodiversity data. 12(2):1863. (SciVerseSCOPUS-index). http://dx.doi.org/10.15560/12.2.1863
I. Saveng, S. Bumrungsri, N.M. Thomas, P.J.J. Bates, D.A. Willette, F.A.A. Khan, M. Wonglapsuwan, P. Soisook, I. Maryanto, J.C.C. Huang, N.M. Furey, 2016. Geographical variation of Rhinolophus affinis (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) in the Sundaic subregion of Southeast Asia, including the Malay Peninsula, Borneo and Sumatra. Acta Chiropterologica, 18(1): XXX-XXX. (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index). doi: 10.3161/15081109ACC2016.18.1.0xx. Impact factor: 1.133
J.V. Kumaran, F.A.A. Khan, I. Azhar, E.W. Chen, M.R.M. Ali, A. Ahmad, A.M. Yusoff. 2016. Diversity and conservation status of small mammals in Kelantan, Malaysia. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 38(2): 213-220. (SciVerseSCOPUSindex).
M.A. Morni, N.F.D.A. Tahir, Q.S. Rosli, J.W. Dee, I. Azhar, Azuan R., M.A. Zahidin, M.T. Abdullah & F.A.A. Khan. 2016. New record of the endemic Rhinolophus chiewkweeae (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) to the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia in Terengganu with noteworthy records on their ecology, genetics, and taxonomy. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. In press. (CA) Impact factor: 1.024
Naharuddin N., M. Shazali, S. Libar, R., Karim, N. F., Muhd Ridwan, A. R., Roslan, A., Azhar, M. I., Khalik, M. Z., F.A.A. Khan. 2015. Bats of Bako National Park: Note on the rare partial Albinism in Fawn Roundleaf Bat (Hipposideridae: Hipposideros cervinus). Borneo Journal of Resource Science and Technology 5(2): 44-52. (MyCite). (CA)
M.J. Struebig, A. Wilting, D.L. Gaveau, E. Meijaard, R.J. Smith, The Borneo Mammal Distribution Consortium, M. Fischer, K. Metcalfe, S. Kramer-Schadt. 2015. Targeted Conservation to Safeguard a Biodiversity Hotspot from Climate and Land-Cover Change. Current Biology. 25(3): 372–378 doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2014.11.067 (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index). Impact factor: 9.916
I. Saveng, S. Bumrungsri, N.M. Furey, P.J.J. Bates, M. Wonglapsuwan, F.A.A. Khan, V.D. Thong, P. Soisook, C. Satasook, N.M. Thomas. 2015. Taxonomic implications of geographical variation in Rhinolophus affinis (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) in mainland Southeast Asia. Zoological Studies, 54:31. (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index). doi:10.1186/s40555-015-0109-8. Impact factor: 1.01
I. Azhar, F.A.A. Khan, I. Norwahidah and M. T. Abdullah. 2015. Checklist of bat flies (Diptera: Nycteribiidae and Streblidae) and their associated bat hosts in Malaysia. Check List-the journal of biodiversity data. 11(5): 1777. (SciVerseSCOPUS-index). http://dx.doi.org/10.15560/11.5.1777
F.A.A. Khan, Caleb D. Phillips, and Robert J. Baker. 2013. Timeframes of Speciation, Reticulation, and Hybridization in the Bulldog Bat Explained Through Phylogenetic Analyses of All Genetic Transmission Elements. Systematic Biology. 63(1):96–110. (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index). doi: 10.1093/sysbio/syt062. Impact factor: 12.169
C. W. Thompson, F.A.A. Khan, F.B. Stangl,R.J. Baker, and R.D. Bradley. 2013. Multilocus analyses indicate a mosaic distribution of hybrid populations in ground squirrels (genus Ictidomys). Ecology and Evolution. (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index). doi: 10.1002/ece3.755. Impact factor: 1.184
P. Soisook, S. Karapan, C. Satasook, V.D. Thong, F.A.A. Khan, I. Maryanto, G. Csorba, N. Furey, Bandanaaul, and P.J.J. Bates. 2013. A review of the Murina cyclotis complex (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) with descriptions of a new species and subspecies. Acta Chiropterologica, 15(2): 271–292. (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index). doi: 10.3161/150811013X678928. Impact factor: 0.894
V.J. Swier, F.A.A. Khan, R.J. Baker. 2012. Do Time, Heterochromatin, NORs, or Chromosomal Rearrangements Correlate with Distribution of Interstitial Telomeric Repeats in Sigmodon (Cotton rats)?. Journal of Heredity. 103(4): 493-502. (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index). doi: 10.1093/jhered/ess029. Impact factor: 1.995
J.A. Esselstyn, B.J. Evans, J.L. Sedlock, F.A.A. Khan, L.R. Heaney. 2012. Single-locus species delimitation: A test of the mixed Yule-coalescent model, with an empirical application to Philippine round-leaf bats. Proceedings of Royal Society of London. 279: 3678-3686.(ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index). doi:10.1098/rspb.2012.0705. Impact factor: 5.683
R.J. Larsen, M.C. Knapp, H.H. Genoways, F.A.A. Khan, P.A. Larsen, D.E. Wilson, R.J. Baker. 2012. Genetic Diversity of Neotropical Myotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) with an emphasis on South American species. PLOSOne. 7(10): e46578 (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0046578. Impact factor: 3.73
T.T. Roberta-Chaya, F.A.A. Khan, A.R. Mohd-Ridwan, S. Juliana, M.T. Abdullah. 2012. Small Mammals from Kuala Atok-Taman Negara Pahang. Sains Malaysiana, 41(6). 659-669. (SciVerseSCOPUSindex). Impact factor: 0.052
H. Noor-Haliza, F.A.A. Khan, S. Juliana, K. Besar, S. Isa, M.T. Abdullah. 2012. A Report on Bats Survey at Air Panas-Gua Musang, Kelantan, Malaysia. Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation, 9(2): 156-162.
V.K. Jayaraj, K. Besar, M. Wahap, S. Isa, M. Mohd.-Jalani, F.A.A. Khan, P.H. Fong, L. S. Hall, M. T. Abdullah. 2011. Comparative distribution and diversity of bats from selected localities in Sarawak. Borneo Journal of Resource Science and Technology, 1: 1-13.
S.N. Sazali, F.A.A. Khan, K. Besar, M. Wahap, M.T. Abdullah. 2011. New distribution record of the Ashy Roundleaf Bat Hipposideros cineraceus Blyth 1853 in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Short Communication. Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation, 8:83-88.
F.A.A. Khan, S. Solari, V.J. Swier, P.A. Larsen, M.T. Abdullah, R.J. Baker. 2010. Systematics of Malaysian woolly bats (Vespertilionidae: Kerivoula) inferred from mitochondrial, nuclear, karyotypic, and morphological datasets. Journal of Mammalogy. 19(5):1058-1072. (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index). doi.org/10.1644/09-MAMM-A-361.1. Impact factor: 2.308
S.S. Jaya Seelan, F.A.A. Khan. 2009. Notes: A Case Report of New Pathogenic Variant of Aspergillus fumigatus (UNIMAS F009) Isolated from Hipposideros cervinus (Chiroptera, Microchiroptera, Hipposideridae, Fawn Roundleaf Bat) in Sarawak, Malaysia. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 1(3): 190-191.
S.S. Jaya Seelan, F.A.A. Khan, M. Sepiah. 2009. Antifungal activity of Aspergillus flavipes isolated from mangrove soil from Kampung Bako. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 1(7): 244-250
S.S. Jaya Seelan, F.A.A. Khan, M. Sepiah. 2009. Notes: Diversity of Aspergillus species isolated from mangrove forests in Borneo Island, Sarawak. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 1(6):344-346.
E.K. Howell, R. Duplechin, P.A. Larsen, J.D. Hanson, F.A.A. Khan, R.J. Larsen, R.R. Chambers, R.D. Bradley. 2009. Mammal Records from Briscoe, Dickens, Hall, and Motley Counties, Texas. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Texas Tech University, 288:1-12.
K. Besar, F.A.A. Khan, M. Wahap, S. Isa, L. Maklarin, I.Y. Paul, S. Mohd-Azib, A.R. Mustafa, M.T. Abdullah. 2009. Checklist of Mammals from Gunung Silam, Sabah. Checklist-Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation 5:61-65.
F.A.A. Khan, V.J. Swier, P.A. Larsen, S. Solari, K. Besar, M. Wahap, M.T. Abdullah, S. Ellagupillay, M. Marklarin, R.J. Baker. 2008.Using Genetics and Morphology to Examine Species Diversity of Old World Bats: report of a recent collection from Malaysia. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Texas Tech University, 281:1-28.
F.A.A. Khan, et. al. 2008. Diversity and Abundance of Birds and Mammals in Niah National Park, Sarawak using Transect Survey. Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation, 4(1):23-37.
S.S. Jaya Seelan, F.A.A. Khan, M. Sepiah, M.T. Abdullah. 2008. Bats (Chiropteran) Reported With Aspergillus Species From Kubah National Park, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation, 4(1):81-97.
F.A.A. Khan, S.N. Sazali, V.K. Jayaraj, S. Aban, K.M. Zaini, K. Besar, R.R.J. Jeffrine, A.M. Julaihi, L.S. Hall, M.T. Abdullah. 2007. Survey of bats in the tropical lowland dipterocarp forest of Bako National Park, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Sarawak Museum Journal, 84:267-300. (SciVerseSCOPUSindex)
F.A.A. Khan, and A.A.S Awang-Husaini. 2006. Enhancing alpha-Amylase and Cellulase In vivo Enzyme Expressions on Sago Pith Residue Using Bacilllus amyloliquefaciens UMAS 1002. Biotechnology 5(3):391-403. (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index) (First paper published for FSL). doi: 10.3923/biotech.2006.391.403
V.K. Jayaraj, F.A.A. Khan, K. Besar, L.S. Hall, M.T. Abdullah. 2006. Bat survey of Mount Penrisen and notes on the rare Kerivoula minuta, Kerivoula intermedia and Hipposideros coxi in Sarawak, Borneo. Journal of Biological Science, 6(4):711-716. (ISI & SciVerseSCOPUS-index). doi: 10.3923/jbs.2006.711.716.
V.K. Jayaraj, F.A.A. Khan, M.T. Abdullah. 2006. Bats of Mount Penrisen, Padawan, Sarawak. Sarawak Museum Journal, 82: 263-274. (SciVerseSCOPUSindex)
R.R.J. Jeffrine, A.R.Khairul-Adha, P.D. Kelvin, F.A.A. Khan, M.T. Abdullah, E. Marilyn-Jaoi, E. Yuzine. Distribution and Composition of Freshwater Fishes in Jempol and Serting River, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Journal of Wildlife and Parks. 22:87-95
Proceedings and Conferences Refereed Full Paper
M.T. Abdullah, Andrew Alek Tuen and F.A.A. Khan. 2005. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Contributions towards Biodiversity and Protected Area Management. Proceedings of the Seventh Hornbill Workshop on Totally Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation-Sarawak Forestry. Holiday Inn Damai Lagoon Kuching, Sarawak. Hornbill. 7:273-288.
Ahmad Mashur Julaihi, Andy Kho Han Guan, Jeffrine Ryan Japning, F.A.A. Khan, and M.T. Abdullah. 2007. A Phylogenetic Study of the Subfamily Pteropodinae Inferred By Using Partial Mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome b Gene. Proceedings of the eighth Hornbill Workshop on “Biodiversity and Totally Protected Areas (TPAs) Information sharing to enhance conservation” organized by Sarawak Forestry at Telang Usan Hotel, Sarawak, Malaysia. Hornbill. 8:211-216. ISBN 978-983-43553-2-6.
F.A.A. Khan, Besar Ketol, Wahap Marni, Andrew Alek Tuen, Fatimah Abang, Fong Pooi Har, and M.T. Abdullah. 2007. Small mammal diversity of Mount Murud. Pp157-160. In I. B. Ipor, C. S. Tawan, P. Bulan, I. Jusoh, B. A. Fasihuddin, K. Meekiong (eds.). Proceedings of Conference on Natural Resources In The Tropics, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kota Samarahan. ISBN 983-9257-46-4. Abdullah, M.T. and F.A.A. Khan. 2006. DNA Barcoding and Molecular Genetics in Wildlife Conservation. Hornbill 8: 200-203. ISBN 978-983-43553-2-6.
F.A.A. Khan, Abang Arabi, Zaidi Mawek, Abang Mutalib and M.T. Abdullah. 2005. A Rapid Survey of Birds and Mammals in Niah National Park. p. 228. In Wallace in Sarawak 150 years later. An International Conference on Biodiversity and Biogeography. A.A. Tuen and I. Das (eds). Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kota Samarahan. ISBN 983-9257-5-0-1
Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah, Noor Haliza Hasan, F.A.A. Khan, Jeffrine Japning Rovie-Ryan, Jayaraj V.K., Yuzine Esa, Imelda Vivian Paul, Siti Nurlydia Sazali & L.S. Hall. 2009. Review on the molecular phylogeny of selected Malaysian Bats. Pp 28-33. In G. Ainsworth and S. Garnett (eds). RIMBA: Sustainable forest livelihoods in Malaysia and Australia. Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-5227-30-1.
C.T. T. Roberta, F.A.A. Khan, M.R. Rahman, S. A. Anang, W. Sigit, K. Besar, and M.T. Abdullah. 2010. Small Mammals from Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary. pp. 215-220. In. Proceedings of the Seminar: Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Scientific Expedition. Hj. Mohammed, I. Ipor, K. Meekiong, K., A. Sapuan and A. Ampeng (eds). Academy of Sciences Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-9445-53-4
Abdullah, M.T. and F.A.A. Khan. 2006. DNA Barcoding and Molecular Genetics in Wildlife Conservation. Hornbill 8: 200-203. ISBN 978-983-43553-2-6.
Book Chapters
Khan, F.A.A., Rahman, S.P.H., Tahir, N.F.D., Libar, R., Khalik, M.Z., Tuen, A.A., Mohd-Azlan J., and Azhar, M.I.M. 2015. Birds and Mammals: Bats. In: Tanjung Datu National Park: Where Borneo Begins. Eds Rahman, M.A., Tuen, A.A., and Das, I. Natural History Publication and in association with Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. pp. 85-87
Khan, F.A.A., Latip, N., Murni, R., Naharuddin, N.M., Fung, P.C., Hamdan, N.E.S., Jenang, M., Semawi, S., Mohd-Azlan J., and Tuen, A.A. 2015. Birds and Mammals: Terestrial Small Mammals. In: Tanjung Datu National Park: Where Borneo Begins. Eds Rahman, M.A., Tuen, A.A., and Das, I. Natural History Publication and in association with Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. pp. 85-87
Southeast Asian Bat Conference 2015, organized by UNIMAS and SEABCRU at Grand Margherita Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia (14th – 17th August 2015)
F.A.A. Khan, C.D. Phillips, M.T. Abdullah, I. Maryanto, J.A. Esselstyn, J.L. Sedlock, and R.J. Baker. Species Delimitation and Biogeography Of Southeast Asian Hipposideros. (Presenter)
N.F.D.A. Tahir, C.J. Laman, J.V. Kumaran, R. Hashim, R.C.C. Tingga, M.R.A. Rahman, M.T. Abdullah, and F.A.A. Khan. Molecular Phylogeny Of Rhinolophid Bats From Malaysia Based On Mitochondrial DNA (Cytochrome Oxidase 1 And Cytochrome B).
T.H. Chew, N. Shazali, F.A.A. Khan, L. Price, W.J.W. Ahmad and M.S. Shamsir. Cataloguing Malaysian Caves using LiDAR: Bats Included.
S.P.H. Rahman, T.J. Ann, A.R. M.R.A. Rahman, J.V. Kumaran, S. Badiozaman, M.T. Abdullah, and F.A.A. Khan. Exploring Genetic and Echolocation Call Variations within Hipposideros galeritus species complex (Cantor’s Roundleaf bat)
N. Shazali, T.H. Chew, M.R.A. Rahman, M.S. Shamsir.R.C.C. Tingga, and F.A.A. Khan. Application of LiDAR technology to count cave-dwelling bats roost in Wind Cave Nature Reserve, Malaysian Borneo.
E. McArthur, M.T. Abdullah and F.A.A. Khan. Quantifying Bat Activity through Acoustic Sampling in a Riverine Forest at Gunung Mulu National Park, Malaysian Borneo.
M.I.M. Azhar, N. Ismail, F.A.A. Khan, and M.T. Abdullah. Host Specificity of Bat Flies (Diptera: Nycteribiidae and Streblidae) in Malaysia. (Best oral Presenter)
M.A. Morni, Q.S. Rosli, J.W. Dee, M.T. Abdullah, F.A.A. Khan, and M.R.A Rahman. Roost Site Preferences for Cave-Dwelling Bats In Wind Cave Nature Reserve, Bau, Sarawak.
N.M. Naharuddin, M.T. Abdullah, F.A.A. Khan, and M.R.A. Rahman. Morphological Analysis of Spotted-winged Fruit Bat (Pteropodidae: Balionycteris maculata) in Malaysia. (Best Poster Presenter).
N.I. Abdullah, C.C. Huang, F.A.A. Khan, M.I.M. Azhar, N.F.D.A. Tahir, S.P.H. Rahman, N.A. Latip, J.W. Dee, M.A. Morni, Q.S. Rosli, R. Murni, S.A.M. Sah, and L.S. Lim. Bat diversity and distributional patterns on Penang Island.
R. Murni, M.T. Abdullah, F.A.A. Khan, M.R.A. Rahman and R.C.T. Tingga. Preliminary Study on Population Genetic of Spotted-Winged Fruit Bat (Pteropodidae: Balionycteris maculata) in Sarawak.
Q.S. Rosli, M.A. Morni, J.W. Dee, R.C.T. Tingga, F.A.A. Khan, M.T. Abdullah and M.R.A Rahman. Roost Site Mapping Of Cave-Dwelling Bats In Wind Cave Nature Reserve, Bau, Sarawak, Malaysia. (Best Poster Presenter).
JSPS Core-to-Core Program: 5th International Symposium on Asian Vertebrate Species Diversity 2015, organized by Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University Phayathai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand at Universiti Chulalongkorn, Bangkok and Saraburi, Thailand. (15th– 19th Dec 2015)
F.A.A Khan, M. T. Abdullah, Ibnu Maryanto, Fahma Wijaya and Robert J. Baker.Speciation within the Southeast Asian Round-Leaf Bats (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae), based on Genetics, Morphology and Echolocation Call Frequencies (Presenter).
Julius William Dee, Hasmahzaiti Omar, and F.A.A Khan. Comparative Phylogeography of Genus Crocidura (Family: Soricidae) in Malaysia.
Muhd Amsyari Morni, Hasmahzaiti Omar, and F.A.A Khan. Genetic and Morphological assessment of Crocidura monticola from Malaysia. (Best Oral Presenter)
Qhairil Shyamri Rosli, Hasmahzaiti Omar, Anang Setiawan, and F.A.A Khan. Preliminary study of cranial morphometric analysis of the house shrew: Suncus murinus from Malaysia, Indonesia and Japan
Norfarhana Mazlan, and F.A.A Khan. Population genetics study of Nasalis larvatus in Malaysian Borneo using Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene.