Put your passion to work.
2019/2020 Cohort

Siti Syamim Nurfatihah Binti Abd Rahman
I am studying on genetic, morphology and echolocation variation on bats in Genus Myotis. Where i would analyse their genetic differences and establish suitable ways in differentiating each species of bats in genus Myotis, in addition with morphological characteristics and echolocation frequencies to further back up my genetic data.

Ernadia Elsie binti Lawrence Jaya
FYP Title: Developing Acoustic Library of Echolocating Bats in Sarawak
Main goal of my project is to build a library of echolocation calls of insectivorous bats specifically in Sarawak. This is an alternative approach to identify insectivorous bats through acoustic recordings. Microbats are producing species-specific echolocation calls which is one of the key features that can be used for identification purposes. By having echolocation call library, bats can be monitored non-invasively by acoustic sensors. I hope by having a library of echolocation call of microbats, it can be an useful conservation tools to monitor and determine the effect of anthropogenic activity on bats diversity.

Nur Afiqah Aqilah Binti Azhar
My final year project title is Phylogeography of Myotis muricola The Asian Whiskered Myotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in Malaysia. There is insufficient information about the organism using a combined morphological and molecular approach to reconstruct the phylogeography of the diverse species of Myotis muricola based on their genetic analysis. The findings of this study should be able to identify potential genetic species within currently recognizes Myotis muricola from Malaysia and to have a better understanding of geographic variation within currently recognize Myotis muricola in Malaysia.

Muhd Nor Syafi'ie Bin Muhd Hadzmi
FYP Title: Comparing Distribution & Diversity of Non-volant Small Mammals In Selected Localoties In Sarawak, Malaysia.
In this study, I will comparing distribution of non-volant small mammals according on zoology database by doing mapping using QGIS software and also to estimate the species richness and evenness of NVSMs. Other that that, this study is also to determine the endemic species of NVSMs.

Yvonne Racheal Shanti
I am currently studying on the Prevalence of Malarian Parasites in Bats from Human Settlements of Sarawak. Both morphological and genetic identification is used in my study to properly identify the species of parasites that infect bats. This is crucial to understanding zoonotic diseases, in this case, Malaria.

Thivya Nadarajah
My name is Thivya Nadarajah, I'm doing my research on molecular evolution of opsin gene in different bat family from Sarawak. Everyone is familiar with the phrase as blind as a bat, but are bats really color blind? Well, in my study, I'll be looking into one of the photoreceptor cell responsible for color vision that can be found in retina of eye which is cone opsin. The known two type of cone opsin genes are the short wavelength sensitive opsin (SWS1) and long/medium wavelength sensitive opsin (L/MWS) gene in bats which is sensitive to blue/violet and green/red color part of the visible spectrum respectively. The genomic DNA sequence will be analysed and compared if there are any differences between cave roosting and forest roosting bat species. Does all of them perceive the world similarly or are there any variation in their visual orientation? That would be my research question to be pondered on.

Ayu Nazirah Binti Mohd Faizal
FYP Title: Genetics, Morphology and Echolocation Variation within the Tube-Nosed Bats (Genus Murina) in Malaysia
I am undergoing a project that uses 3 different data sets to further evaluate species from the genus Murina found in Malaysia. The usage of multifaceted data is a key concept to further understand the complexity of species found in certain taxonomic trees. Often, researchers get confused with certain species of bats as they portray conservative morphological features amongst each other that makes it hard to deduce if these individuals belong to the same species. Thus, with this knowledge I intend to identify the geographic variations of bat species from the genus Murina in Malaysia and to recognise the conservative morphological features found within individuals of genus Murina that results in cryptic speciation with the usage of genetics, morphology and echolocation variation as my multifaceted data sets.

Kavisha a/p Chandran
My final year project is on the diversity of bat pollen from selected localities in Sarawak. The primary thought of this study the ecology of bat pollen diversity. Meanwhile, to determine the abudance of pollen from which plant family they belong to.There are two selected locations of this research,which are Mount Silabur Cave and Mount Penrissen.Since little data are known regarding this task in previous studies. I hope I will be able to reach my objective with the data I received.
2018/2019 Cohort
Nor Al-Shuhadah Binti Sabarudin-Genetic, Morphology and Echolocation Variation Within Bamboo Bats in Malaysia by Using Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI)
Izzat Hakimi- Effect of Insect Abundance at Different Elevation on the Bat Activity at two contrasting Elevations
Nur Dini Umairah Binti Mohamed Raedi- Genetic and Morphology of Black-capped Fruit Bat, Chironax melanocephalus in Malaysia
Maizatul Azwa Binti Abd Karim- Geometric Morphometric, Molecular and Echolocation Call Analysis of Two Species of Malaysian Insectivore's Bats from Genus Kerivoula
Lim Zhi Han- Genetic Diversity of Silvered Leaf Monkey (Trachypithecus cristatus) inferred fro D-Loop Mitochondrial DNA
Nurfatiha Akmal Fawwazah Binti Abdullah Fauzi- Volatilr Organic Compund Found in Bats with Different Dietary Preferences in Sarawak .
2017/2018 Cohort
Syamzuraini binti Zulkapley: Systematics and Morphometric of Genus Tupaia using Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) Malaysia
Precilia Malar Rajendran: Comperative Histomorphology of Bats' Tongue with Different Feeding Guild
Ahmad Syazwan bin Salimin: The Phylogenetic Analysis of Plantain Squirrel (Sciuridae: Callosciurus notatus) from Malaysia
Azroie bin Denel: Systematics and Morphometric of Genus Niviventer in Malaysia.
Nor Izweena by Idha Nawawi: Genetic Diversity of Bornean Orang Utan (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus)
Mohamad Nazmi Amir: Population Genetic Studies on Hipposideros coxi in Sarawak.
2016/2017 Cohort
Cafasso Theodore Tappa: Diet analyses off Shrews from selected localities in Malaysia
Muhamad Zul Adib Bin Zulkifli: Phylogeny of Leopoldamys sabanus from Malaysia
Muhammad Adam bin Mohd Azman: Diversity of non-volant small mammals in selected protected areas in Malaysia
Nur Azwa Binti Mohd Faizal: Phylogeny of genus Myotis in Malaysia
Nur Syafiqah Bt Nasir: Phylogeny of Genus Murina and their echolocation call
Wan Nur Syafinaz Binti Wan Azman: Diet Analysis of Selected Primates from Bako National Park
2015 / 2016 Cohort
Praveena a/p Rajasegaran - Roosting Selection of Chiropteran in Fairy Caves, Bau
Michelle Kee Pei Ni - systematics and population genetics of Suncus murinus, Asian house shrews
Yeow Siaw Ying - Exploring genetics and morphological variation within the genus Rattus from Malaysia.
Ridhwan Bin Abdul Rahim - The Phylogeny of Rhinolophus species (Family: Rhinolophidea) inferred from COI gene
Lashine Thiagu - Biogeography of Sunda Shrew (Crocidura monticola) based on Genetics and Morphology
Saktiyashinee Thanenthiran - A Land Based Survey on Irrawaddy Dolphins(Orcaella brevirostris) Social Structure around Santubong Area