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Silabur Cave, Serian

FAAK Team Members together with Dr Faisal have come together to collect data and specimens at a beautiful location with a lot of potential. The location was Silabur Cave, Serian which is approximately 76 kilometres away from UNIMAS and is also now an uprising ecotourism spot due to its breath taking views. Silabur Cave Sampling Trip 2019 was held from 26th October to 1st November 2019. This 7 days 6 nights trip mainly focused on collecting data and specimens for FAAK’s Final Year and Postgraduate students which mainly revolved around chiropteran and rodent species.

The sampling trip was definitely fruitful, both data wise and experience wise. The experience garnered throughout the entire trip definitely will serve for the conservation of the small mammal species as well as other flora and fauna species in this area. Having said so, the information gathered throughout this trip was also shared with the villagers there in a form of a poster for future management on our precious wildlife. Lastly, this trip also was a platform for all FAAK new team members to equip themselves with not only knowledge but the new profound love for small mammals.

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