Bungo Range Multidisciplinary expedition was organized by Institute of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation in conjunction with Unimas's Silver Jubilee Celebration from 5th December to 10th December 2017. The main concerns of this expedition are to increase the visibility of Unimas to Tringgus community and to emphasize the implementation of Digital Biodiversity in this state. However, the mammals team focus on the three major mammalian group to provide information on their diversity and abundance at Bungo Range National Park for conservation and management of this group. These include primates survey based on observation, non- volant small mammals which were trapped by using cage traps with baits and volant mammals, bats that were trapped using high pole nets, mist nets and four-bank harp trap.
Valuable experienced gained from this expedition by documentation on selected mammalians groups had become an eye opener to the importance of conservation of flora and fauna in this biodiversity hotspot of Borneo with the hopes for more similar expedition in future.