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Gunung Mulu National Park, The World Heritage

The last sampling trip for the undergraduate student for the lab was at Gunung Mulu NP, where we spent nine days at the park, from 5th until 13th February 2017. The main focus is to record the bats, rodents and shrews at the area. The pristine forest of Mulu does have lots of fauna diversity and it does provides countless of different ecological niches for the animals.

The opportunity to do sampling at Mulu NP really help us to learn and discuss lots of things such as the plant-animal interaction, how the ecosystem works and so forth because the condition of the forest itself is pristine and the park is well maintained.

This trip is great and we learn lots of new things. In the other hand, the status of The World Heritage suits Gunung Mulu National Park very well, as the breathtaking scenery, the fresh air and the clear waters does make your worries away.

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